11 Dec

The most attractive part of the site design is that we can launch our site on a personal computer without having a domain and hosting. This technique is for beginners and those who want to make sure that it is functioning before placing their site on the main host. They are very efficient and suitable.

To install and run a site on our own computer or in a more specialized localhost, we have to go through a few simple steps that we will look at separately.
Step 1: Install and run a virtual server (local server)

To install the site on local hosts, it first comes with a web development platform like Wamp (this version is Windows, and its Linux and Mac versions are called Lamp and Mamp respectively), Xampp (Windows, Mac, Linux) or similar software. we have.

Step 2: Create a Database

To set up a WordPress site, each server requires a database to store the data required by the site. Information such as the username of the site's users and their password, the accesses that each of them to the site, the posts that are inside the site Placed and ... all are stored in the database and WordPress extracts them from the database to use this information.

To do this, type localhost / phpmyadmin in your browser (if you use Wamp, leave the user name root and leave it blank)

On the page that opens, we'll be building a new database by tapping New.
On this page in the specified section, enter the name of the database and press the Go key.

Be sure to save the name of the database created, this name will be required in the next steps.
Step 3: Download WordPress and place it in the respective folders

-Download the latest version of WordPress Persian

To view the site using Xampp, we must place the contents of the site in the corresponding htdocs folder. To do this, go to the Xampp installation directory and then htdocs folder and create a new folder. (The name of this folder will be used in future accesses to the site. This is the name of the mysite below.) After downloading WordPress, the downloaded file is uncompressed and the contents of the wordpress folder are placed inside the created folder. we give.

(To view the site using wamp, we need to put the desired files in the www directory that is on the installer's path. The rest is something like Xampp)

Among the files we copied, we have a file called wp-config-sample.php. We rename this file to wp-config.php and open it. And apply the changes as shown below. The wordpress uses this file to identify the basic settings of the site, such as the database, and so on.
Step Four: Initial launch of the site:

After completing the steps above, open your browser and import the localhost / mysite as the URL address. Next, the page will look similar to the image below and configure it as it's shaped. The username and password that is selected on this page will be used as the password and username of the site admin.

* The email will not be published on the website.